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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 02/16/09
Town of Antrim – Board of Selectmen
Special Meeting Minutes
February 16, 2009

The meeting was called to order at 8:10 a.m. by Chairman of the Board of Selectmen Michael Genest in the Little Town Hall at the Antrim Town Hall.

Members Present:        Michael Genest, Steven Schacht and Gordon Webber.

Staff Present:  Neal Cass (Town Administrator), Scott Lester (Police Chief).

1.  Appointment with Police Chief Scott Lester
·       Prior to Town Meeting a Charge will be written for the Police Station Study Committee making clear that its role is to determine location and size.
·       After discussion, all agreed that $12,500 will be requested in the Warrant Article for the Police Station preliminary design.
·       The Board and the Chief will meet at the Board’s March 2 meeting to develop a plan for presenting the Warrant Article at Town Meeting.
·       Selectmen discussed the number of part-time officers in the police department and determined the number of officers did matter as much as the number of hours worked between all the part-time officers.  Chief Lester said that part-time officers are outfitted from existing stock.

2.  Appointment of Part-time Police Officer:
VOTE:    Selectman Webber moved that Brian Reopel be appointed as a Part-time Police Officer for the Town of Antrim.  Selectman Schacht seconded the motion.  There being no further discussion, Chairman Genest called for the vote.  All members voted in favor and the Chairman declared the motion carried.

3.  Review of the Warrant for Town Meeting:
·       Selectmen decided to pull the library $22,000 generator article and increase the building maintenance request from the Capital Reserve Fund from $25,000 to $27,000.

4.  Acceptance of Resignation   
Selectmen accepted the resignation of Jeffrey Parsons as Building Inspector, Code Enforcement Officer, and Health Officer effective February 10, 2009.  The Town Administrator will send a letter thanking Mr. Parsons for his service to the Town.

5.  Building Department
Selectmen authorized the Town Administrator to hire Peter Hopkins as the Building Inspector and Code Enforcement Officer.  Mr. Hopkins is certified and works for the towns of Bennington, Francestown and Greenfield.  The Town Administrator will work with Mr. Hopkins to determine the needs of the department and report back to the Selectmen.

6.  Selectmen review the plan from Bennington to have a nonbinding resolution to regionalize the police and fire departments.  The selectmen are fine with the referendum moving forward, but will make no commitment one way or the other at this time.

There being no further business, the Board decided by consensus to adjourn at 9:55 a.m.   The next meeting will be Monday, March 2, 2009 at 5:00 p.m.

Recorder:  Neal A. Cass
Date:  February 19, 2009